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(Late) Q3 Report for 2023

Delayed Q3 Report for 2023, with reflection of the last quarter and what we want to get done by next quarter.

Posted: 11/15/2023

Last Updated: 11/15/2023

Fine, I'll comit to the bit

I figure I need to have a way to document the various longer-term goals and projects, as well as the status of TI, so why not do it how the pros do it? A bit odd to start off on the butt-end of Q3 2023, but, I gotta start at some point. I think these are normally broken down in a "Reflection", "Current Status", and "Looking forward" section, but the former is a bit redundant if this is my first one, isnt it? No goals listed for me to reflect on. So, I'll take up the later and instead talk about the long term projects that TI will attempt to complete in the forseable future.

Current status of TI is probably best described as "Just getting started". Currently there are no customers or revenue, but again, that's expected for literally just starting out. The current flagship service of TI that I believe will carry it into "Phase 1" is the Taylor Industries Design and Fabrication (TIDF) program(1), as it's unique in allowing the use of already exisitng industrial capital without having to invest in much more, while also bypassing the need to develop a product for the consumer market. It's uniqueness also comes from being a service that is available for just about anyone to use. The adition of the BYOM(Bring Your Own Materials) program also allows for the exploration of novel products that would, normally, have issues with the acquisition of materials. This should allow said novel roducts to develop much faster, while giving the end user something truley unique. Consumer outreach seems to be the only place that is lacking, as it just started and no one knows of it. Yet. Beyond this, independent research of multiple novel products is still being pursued that have been in development for quite a while now. I hope to eventually show them this very website, and they will be posted, in time, to the Project Collection page(2).

For looking forward, TI has multiple oppurtunities that I hope to finish in the coming months. Most notably, to "Break out" onto the market, the one item (Dont know what else to call it, as it's not a product.) that I feel confident in talking about in this report is the Taylor Industries mascot. To quickly sum it up, it will serve as a literal walking billboard, physically showing people in real life the capabilities of TIDF's design prowess and manufacturing techniques. More details of what it is specifically can be found in the TI Mascot project section(3). Currently, the hard deadline I have for a minimum viable product is Fur The More, which takes place in the middle of March 2024. The convention serves the furry community, which I am a part of, and have been told that some of the various items I design will be of note to other people in this community. If I'm going to be frank, as well, it'll end up looking pretty cool as well. The outcome of the TI Mascot attending FTM 2024 will therefore be a large amount of exposure for TI, which is needed as it's still in it's "Spooling up" phase. This will remain as my biggest driving project for TI in the near future, and as such more will be posted on the progress of this for the Q4 2024 report. Other than that, Taylor Industries will be open for business, and ready to take orders through TIDF for the forseable future.


1. More in depth explanation of TIDF

2. Link for TI's project portfolio

3. Link for TI Mascot project